Presqu’ile Point Lighthouse Visit
6 June, 2012
The Ford Paddle Group |
We love finding boat ramps like this one what a wonderful location to start our day’s paddle in and around Presqu’ile Bay.
Brent & Rob at Ramp |
Presqu'ile Park in the background.
Nice kayaks, Rob setting his GPS |
With in minutes Jane found the Geocache located at the Boat Ramp. Excellent.
Linda skirting up. |
Thanks Linda for coming out, your amazing. Hamilton yesterday and paddling with us today.
Swan round up. |
As we launched a family of Swans nesting very close by noticed us and , one of the parents trying to lead us away. With us all launched and out of their space, Rob kindly lead the one adult back to it’s family. It appeared not to be nervous, so we felt it knew he or she was going to be safe. Good job Rob.
Our paddle plan for the day was to explore the many bays along the east side of the park. Which meant paddling around Indian Point, then deep into several of the large swampy bays up to Calf Pasture Cove. Visit the Government Dock then round Salt Point, with it’s Sewer Pipe Light then onto Presqu’ile Point and the lighthouse. This is where we will meet Mollie for lunch. From the Lighthouse our paddle will take us back to Calf Pasture Cove pull out and Mollie would meet us to shuttle folks back to the boat ramp for vehicles. This did not happen we crossed Presqu’ile Bay to Shoal Point to visit a home made lighthouse which locals found very useful to navigate the bay. From Shoal we will paddle back north to Story Point around the channel light, then west past Gosport and back to the boat ramp. At the end of the day our GPS told us we did 15 kms. Great paddling with the wind picking up on the last leg of our trip west to the launch ramp.
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Paddle Map route maked after paddle. |
Remember: click on photo to enlarge it, twice makes it real big.
We did think about Murray Canal, however the dark skies, rain clouds, increasing wave height and the fact it would have added another 4 to 5 kms on to this trip changed our minds. My old paddle mentor pounded into my head prior my 10th year paddle trip, “You can never paddle in the afternoon, what you paddled that morning”. This has kept me in good stead, over the years.
One of many Swan Families |
While paddling along the swamp area, we came across over 2 dozen Swan families. I had no idea that there where so many swans nesting in the park.
The young ones here are much larger |
Ladies watching the swan in flight |
Paddling out of the marsh through the reeds. This was fun.
Rob paddling up to Government Dock |
Our visit at the government dock was a nice shock. It docks are in great shape and used to this day. The Government Dock comes with a small green area, with washrooms located on what is called Cottage Road in the park. Nice lunch area.
Brent rounding Salt Point |
What great colours blue on blue.
Linda showing group her find |
Notice light behind the group.
As we rounded Salt Point we paddled between the sandy beach and the Sewer Pipe Light located just off the point. It was here Linda noticed a structure of some kind in the shallow waters below us. After all of us waded in with our opinions, viewing on the camera the underwater photo’s we took, the group thought this was some kind of train tracks. I must admit I was sure of it, others not so much….smiling. Also after chatting with a park employee he seemed to think the same. WRONG!!!!!!!!!! Once again I could not resist exploring this mystery.
From above this looks like a train track....smiling. |
What looked to be railway tracks, turns out to be the hull of a schooner called the Minnie. What we thought were tracks, were tracks they used them in the construction of some older schooners for ballast and strength.
Here is what I found in the Great Lake Shipwreck register.
Other names : none
Official no. : C none
Type at loss : schooner, wood
Build info : 1873, R. Anglin, Brewer's Mills, Ont.
Specs : 95x20x6, 109gc 109nc
Date of loss : 1877, Nov 2
Place of loss : 1 mi E of Salt Point, near Presqu'ile, Ont.
Lake : Ontario
Type of loss : (storm)
Loss of life : ?
Carrying : ?
Detail : Foundered.
Another Canadian schooner of this name was reported wrecked and total loss near Frederick Point, Lake Ont. Nov 10, 1880.
Hailed from Port Colborne.
Frames were made of Tamarack
Sources: mmgl,h,nsp not in '74 clu
What a great underwater photo, now you can see how the beams curl up. How cool this wreck is only 135 years old. Good eye Linda, another little side adventure.
Presquile Lighthouse and lunch time |
After this exciting find we paddle on to the Presqu’ile Point and the lighthouse.
Flag Photo |
To our great surprise and pleasure the wind and waves where very light as rounded the point. Mollie was on shore waving us in. We did the flag photo thing with Mollie holding the MS Flag on shore below the lighthouse while the gang bounced around in the waters out front.
Perfect pull out just below the lighthouse, very pretty |
Mollie had found a wonderful pull out location for us, right by the gift shop and picnic area at the base of the light house. What a beautiful spot, the water turning deeper shades of blues the further it got from shore, waves rolling in over the grey granite rock on shore and the heat of the bright sun warming us. All this under the simple red light, which tops one of Lake Ontario’s oldest lighthouses. What a grand thing to share with good friends and family. Life is good.
Lunch on the shores of Lake Ontario under Presquile Lighthouse as the sirens blast. |
Then the sirens blew and blew and blew. One of the park employees came to open the gift shop/washroom building. Someone forgot to tell him the alarm code had been changed….smiling. So this very loud siren blew for several minute while he called in and got the new code…The poor man.
First time we have eaten lunch at lunch time.... |
As they smile they are saying " turn it off, turn it off " it was very funny.
The Happy Gang |
After getting great group photo under the lighthouse. “Thanks Jane, your 10 second special was the best one again“, but I could not use it.....At this time we have to thank the very nice gentleman from Peterborough for his kind donation. We hope you and your wife enjoy your new condo.
Just a nice picture....
Clouds were getting darker. |
Goodbyes said to Mollie, she watched as the group paddled north heading into Presqu’ile Bay.
This little lighthouse covers the owners water pump How cool a pump house. |
Our plan now was to meet Mollie at the pullout in Calf Pasture Cove, however I noticed the home made lighthouse the two ladies we met at the boat ramp earlier told us about across the bay on Shoal Point. I asked the group if we could paddle over and visit it, they all agreed it would be ok. What a cute little lighthouse really well made.
It was at this time Rob and Jane disappeared into that little bay…..Hummmmmmmm. Oh and Yes we did let Mollie know by radio we had changed our plans once again. We would now meet her back at the boat ramp we launched from that morning. Ok, see you there, was her reply.
While crossing Presquile Bay to Shoal Point we chatted about heading into Murray Canal, just to the opening and look around. This was not to happen, as the wave height, and face on winds continued to increase. The group made the call to head directly back to the boat ramp which was about 2.5 kms away. We passed the Village of Gosport and a couple of small marinas and yes more Swans while watching the darkening clouds the whole time.
Dark sky not shine us, La la, la la, La |
We did get a few drops, but nothing to really notice. As we pulled into the boat ramp the skies cleared and the sun provided welcomed warmth while we loaded our gear onto our vehicles.
Wind in their faces, nasty skies behind them. |
Paddle guys it's coming............
We made it before the storm. |
How fun was that ????
Today the group did really well, I know Linda could not get comfortable in her kayak on the last leg and Rob’s back was still giving him some pain from the day before. What troopers to still come out and paddle with us. I can’t thank everyone enough, Jane for her awesome photos, Linda and Rob paddling when not feeling at their best. Brent for being there with us, I know if I needed a strong swimmer he would be my guy and for all the help he provides the group. He is always smiling, as long as you feed him. Last Mollie, for always being our cheerful and very flexible shore crew. Your willingness to make last minute changes as we change plans on the fly, makes everyone’s paddle day so much easier. You are always looking after the best interest of the whole gang. We all love you. Thank You
All packed up we headed to Tim Horton’s, in support of Camp Day, great idea Jane & Rob. Next trip Ice Cream. What a great day. This will make the 19th official lighthouse visited on our listed. We have seen, paddled past and photographed many more lights for sure……….cheers. The things we have seen!!!!!!
Out Take Photo's
Once again Folks remember we are raising
Awareness & Funds for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Kingston
Chapter. If you wish to make a donation/pledge please call the Kingston Chapter
at 613-384-8500 . Tell them you wish to pledge to 20 Years To Enlightenment and
it all stays in the Kingston and area.
Thanks Rob & Mollie
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