
Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Galloo Island Lighthouse, USA 1 Sept, 2012

Galloo Island Lighthouse, USA
1 Sept, 2012

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Our last big paddle, Galloo Island Lighthouse by my guesstamation was going to be around 17 kms off Point Peninsula, which is west of Chaumont Bay , New York State. Just north of Sackets Harbour. This paddled in it’s self would not be difficult if we could land on the island, spend the night and then return to the main land the next day or when conditions allowed. Just like we did for Main Duck Island Lighthouse. We could not do this as Galloo Island is Private Property and from what I was told and read it is very private. The second hurdle was this Island is on the States side of the lake, so I really did not want to find myself requiring assistance, who knows what it would cost or what trouble I would trigger for myself. I’ve always told Mollie, what ever I do on these little adventures I will error on the side of caution every time. My plan for this paddle is not so pure, however safe. I will take my fishing boat with kayak in tow and cross the 10.4 kms, of open water to the west end of the island, anchor off shore and then paddle the islands north shore for 6.6 kms to the east end where the lighthouse sits.
Like Main Duck Island, picking the right weather day was so important. It’s all about winds and waves so I needed to be ready to go when conditions were correct. So the day after completing Cobourg Pier Light I packed my camping gear, food supplies, spare clothes and checked both my power boat and kayak to ensure they were all set to go on the day we get favourable weather.

On Thursday the long term forecast was saying mild winds for Saturday, excellent. Friday night's Eastern Lake Ontario’s forecast for Saturday was winds North easterly at 15 knots diminishing to 10 in early afternoon, waves less then ½ meter. ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? This was the forecast I’ve been waiting for most of the summer. I’m all over this, I’m ready to go but there was only one difficulty. I was obligated to serve coffee at our community monthly breakfast till noon. Hummmmm I could still do this as the weather forecast said “ winds will diminish starting at noon” I do my thing here and still have the rest of the day to get this Lighthouse in. As it turned out the Paddle God’s were with us once again, the organizer had over booked volunteers this month. I served coffee till around 9am had a good breakfast myself and begged off and heading home.

By 09:30 I was on my way to the US of A . I had planned to cross at Cape Vincent which meant taking the Wolfe Island Ferry, drive cross the Island, then take Horne’s Ferry into Cape Vincent, USA. What a day so far, weather is beautiful. I arrived the Wolfe Island ferry dock just in time to be one of the last to board, center row. Center row is left open for vehicles with trailers, also center row gets to be the first off, bonus.

Third vehicle off the Wolfe Islander , I raced across the island to line up for Horne’s Ferry. I arrive to find there was no in line. Awesome, Also to add to my good fortune, the ferry was just coming into dock. This ferry is small, so I know they will put me on last and right across the center. The Ferry’s Captain arrived at my window for payment and to my surprise he only charged me half price, some how he knew about our MS Paddle Project. “ Shore People “ Wow !!!! What a great day.

Getting on ferry crew person having to push ferry
out so loading ramp does not catch dock

Ouch!!!! Yes park brake is on.

They blocked the trailer

Again last on the ferry and first off. This meant I was first to go through US customs. You know I always feel they don’t believe me when I tell them what I’m doing, however they were quick and let me in and before I knew it I’m on my way to Hidden Harbour Campground/Marina on Point Peninsula.

Shocked, I had arrived at Hidden Harbour well before noon. Again, more acts of kindness, George, the Hidden Harbour Marina owner only charged me half price to launch.

Boats ready to go, just chatting with Jay.


As I was launching Jay a seasonal camper at Hidden Harbour offer to be my guardian angel. Jay has fished the waters between Galloo and Point Peninsula for several years in his 28ft Trophy fishing boat, a great boat for heavy waves.

 Jay said he would stay close to his cell and marine radio just in case the weather turns on me, however we both agreed this day was the best we’d seen in a long time.
He also agreed that my 14ft Deep V hull will do just fine out there today.

Both boats in the water, I set my GPS, make a starting waypoint so I know which heading to aim for on the way back to the main land.  
After the first couple Kms I’m very please at my progress, the waves are hitting me from the right rear of the boat and they are not very large. Oh Oh at around 7 km off the main land the waves started building but the boat was still handling them fine but,  I had to stop three times and flip the kayak back over. It would fly off the waves and spin in the air landing up side down. 
I slowed things down for the remainder of the trip which prevented flip overs.

Galloo Island 10.4kms off shore

The crossing from the point to the west end of the island took me all of 40 minutes. I anchored in around 18 feet of water, using two anchors……I know over kill, but I did not want my boat floating off down into Sackets Harbour while I was 6 kms away…..smiling.

I was really excited to be getting into my kayak, the kayak handles these waves so much better than the power boat. I load all my gear into/onto the kayak and then slid from one boat to the other. This was a little tricky as the waves wanted to roll over the kayak and fill the cockpit while I was holding it next to the fishing boat. After a couple of tries I manage to get in and put my spray skirt on before the next wave could splash in. Life is good I’m in my kayak.
North Shore Galloo

As I paddle along the north shore of Galloo I can’t help but notice how much it looks like Main Duck, while I’m thinking this I look to my right and I’m shocked at how close Main Duck actually looked.

Mid way along the north shore heading west.


As I paddled west I came across a couple of buildings and what looked to be the natural harbour on this side of the island. Further along I came across small rock bluffs, rock beaches and many shoals.

Galloo Island Lighthouse
I arrived at the lighthouse and was happy that it was still there. For the life of me I could not find a photo newer the 2009, so who knows right it could have been gone.

My interested was drawn to the small build at the most westerly tip of the island, it had a spooky appearance.

Also the shoals here were so fascinating, they came so far off shore and were so shallow I could not get as close as I would have liked for taking photos. Another cool thing about the shoal was, the large number of fish that were visible when I was in the trough of the waves, lots of large fish.

Looking at Main Duck Island and Canadian waters.

I took several photos of the lighthouse, then paddled further off the shoals away from the breaking waves. Reaching deep water I took this moment to just sit and enjoy the motion of the swells as they lift and lowered me in a smooth rhythm. Galloo Island on my left, all of Lake Ontario directly in front, Main Duck Island and Canada to my right.

Lake Ontario

What beautiful place to be, I knew I had to take some time and enjoy the here and now. Thinking to myself, I will likely never have this opportunity again in my life this natural beauty is overwhelming. I took the time, to reflect on what this summer's paddle venture actually meant to me.

Galloo Island and Lighthouse to my left
Was it worth all the time spent organizing, planning and packing, unpacking and loading all the kayak and camping gear over and over. Was it worth the money we spent. Was it worth the effort to try and raise funds for MS in honour of friend Darcie. The simple answer would be “ YES “ to all these questions.

A large wave rolls over my kayak and my thoughts turned to the Lake and the love I have to paddle it. I love it’s smells, it’s vastness, I love that it is so unpredictable and at times dangerous. I love that it has so many hidden treasures, on and off shore. I mostly love that the Lake God’s have always favoured me/us on all our paddle adventures small and large. For this I’m forever grateful. Smiling….. I said Oh! Oh!! did I just jinks myself, I’m not back on shore yet.

As always my thoughts turn to the “ Shore People “ People like Tim McCormack out of Long Point, Jay from Hidden Harbour, New York who acted as my guardian angels. Being ready with their boats to assist me if things turned poorly, I can never thank them enough. Other “ Shore People “ Like Capt. Brain Johnson of the Wolfe Islander III who treat us to many wonderful stories of St Lawrence Seaway Lighthouses, his sound guidance on the wind and wave patterns around Wolfe Island kept us in good stead. Brian’s article in the Whig brought awareness to MS which helped us in the donation department.

So many kind “ Shore People “ Linda & Denis Myers, Tim Ward , Brian & Brenda Quinn , George Deliman, Bill McLeod and many many more.

The Team " they were not on this trip " 
Just a great photo
Then the Team, Rob & Jane, Linda and Brent these are the people who have made this summer interesting and so much fun. They are all wonderful people and good friends.

Then there is Mollie what can I say, she is an awesome life partner. Without a second thought she helped me ready gear, then assisted in packing it all into the truck so I could catch favourable paddle conditions, she did this time after time. She is so awesome, being the team's shore crew, driving the shore following us and finding us landing spots. She worried not just for me, but the whole team. I will never be able to repay her for the life time of worry I have put her through over the years. She is amazing, she is my lover, my partner, but most of all “ my best friend “.

All these thoughts and many more went through my brain as I took in the shoals, waves and the vastness of the lake beyond Galloo Island.


Time to leave, I turned my kayak east and head back along the north shore, back the way I came. The waves seem to be getting larger so I decided against rounding the island to the south. Besides I have for some reason started to worry about my boat bouncing off the east in of the island.

About 2 kms off the east end of Galloo, my boat comes into view, I feel great sense of relief and slow up on my paddling. Fifteen or so minutes later I arrive at the boat.

I come to find that getting back into the fishing boat from the kayak in these larger waves was easier then I had anticipated, I tie off the kayak, pump it out once again before putting the cockpit cover on for the trip back. Kayak ready to go, motor started time to lift the anchor. I pulled and pulled and they did not want to free up. I put the motor in forward trying to take the pressure off the anchor line by moving past then. After about 5 minutes of pulling I’m just about ready to cut the line, when for who knows why, the anchors comes free. The waves are moving the boat over the kayak tow line, thank god the motor was not in gear.

Clearing the tow line from the motor, I ensure everything is secure in the boat because looking at the large waves ahead I know the trip back will be very rough. What took me 40 minutes getting out to the island, took me over an hour going back.

The nice part of the return trip was as I got closer to land the waves decreased in size at around 2 kms off shore I was doing 33kms an hour. I know with the kayak in tow. How cool.

I pulled into the harbour and Jay was there to greet me, told me he and his wife sat on shore with field glasses and watch me return. I thanked them for their kindness and concern. Jay helped me load everything up and within 20 minutes I was on the road to the ferry. “Shore People “

As I pulled up to the Hornes Ferry the Captain waved me right on. Once again he decreased my fare “ Shore People “ 

The crossing was fun as I met a wonderful group from Montreal who where biking along the St Lawrence on the states side and then going home on the Canadian side. It turns out that one of the ladies in the group has a son who is a doctor and researcher at the Montreal Hospital, doing research for MS. We did a photo op with the group what a fun bunch.

Again I was first off the ferry and the first to greet the Canadian customs folks for some reason this time it took a great deal of time. Many many questions and I had to open all the bins which contained my camping and paddle gear. Maybe they thought I was with them wild bikers…….smiling. 10 minutes later I was in line at the Wolfe Islander dock. The bikers never did make the same ferry, too bad they were a fun group.

This crossing was surreal, I have completed all the lighthouses in Lake Ontario, well except of the last three which will be a fun afternoon paddle.  To be honest I did not think it was possible.  I can’t believe we did it. So many people to thank. Hummmmmmm

Just before getting off the ferry I called Mollie. She asked if I was at Hidden Harbour and was I heading out to the Galloo in the morning? I told her I was just getting off the Wolfe Islander ferry Kingston side and I would be home in ¾ of an hour. She could not believe I had completed the paddle already and that our plan went so well. She was so pleased to have me off the water and on my way home. Then she said in a low voice, YOU DID IT who would have believed it.

Mollie making sure all the water is out.

I arrived home to Mollie waiting in the garage with a couple of cold beers. We sat looking out at our burnt grass and smiled……………what a summer, how fun.  Beers finished we closed the garage doors and headed in after cleaning and hanging my Kayak.


Happy Paddler, just the last three in Kingston basin to go.....

Once again folks remember we are raising Awareness & Funds for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Kingston Chapter. If you wish to make a donation/pledge please call the Kingston Chapter at 613-384-8500 . Tell them you wish to pledge to

“ 20 Years To Enlightenment “ and it all stays in the Kingston and area.


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