
Monday, 27 August 2012

Cobourg Pier Light Trip 24 August, 2012

Cobourg Pier Light Trip
24 August, 2012
Remember click on photo’s to enlarge them.
This will be a very short post as this was a last minute trip and the paddle was really quite short.
Mollie and I loaded up the Kayak and headed for Cobourg around 09:30 am. We decided the night before to drive straight to Colourg on the Hwy # 401, paddle the pier, take our photo’s, then take the slower Hwy # 2 all the way home. This would be found as we wanted to find a few caches along the way.
On our trip west just past Trenton, all traffic on the west lanes of the 401 were stopped, when we got to what was stopping the traffic, we found 4 police cars, many officers and two men face down on the road…….Oooooops.
Cobourg Beach

We got to Colourg and head straight to the water front beach where the harbour pier was located. What a beautiful location and beach.

Parked facing the harbour.

Mollie and I off loaded the kayak and gear then walked it across the beach to the water. Wow, this is a very pretty spot.


Pretty horbour

Mollie just loved this little harbour, very nice Condo's all along the shore.

Another awesome day on Lake Ontario.

I launched and headed off for the end of the pier/breakwater which has two lights that stand at the opening of the small harbour.

Cobourg Pier & Lights

Mollie opted to walk out to the light so she could take photo of yours truly paddling and playing around in the water.

Cobourg Light and Pier

Looking for Geocache

It took me all of 10 minutes to reach the lights. My first order of business was to look for a Geocache hidden just under it’s Sewer Pipe Light of the outer breakwater.

Tied of under Breakwater light

Finding the cache I was back in my kayak and heading over to the pier light to take the MS Flag Photo’s.


After taking a couple picture from the kayak and have some taken of me, I threw the flag to Mollie who was standing on the large rocks under the light.

I took a couple of photo’s of Mollie holding the flag and then said see ya. 

Photo taken while chatting with other boaters.

I turned my kayak to paddle out into the calm of Lake Ontario, WOW what beautiful water colour. I paddled out to a couple of yachts that were readying their bumpers for when they got into the harbour. They waved and I asked them if they were ok, I said jokingly, that I had hear they needed a tow in. One of the wives smiled and said very seriously, No it think we are ok. I could hear her husband telling her, he was joking……….I smile.

Both Lights at harbour entrance

I tried to use my Kite to propel me back to shore but there was just on wind. So I paddled back and Mollie was there on the beach waiting to help carry my kayak back to the truck.

Great photo of the harbour

After unloading all the gear out of the kayak a couple of very big guys helped me load the kayak onto the truck roof racks. Mollie thanked them a lot, saved her from having to lift it.
All in all we only spent a couple of hours at the pier and beach, once again another place to put on our come back to list . Loaded we headed east down Hwy # 2, .

Garage Sale Stop

We truly enjoyed our trip along Hwy # 2 we stopped and bought freshly picked apples, we found around 10 Geocaches and bought some real inexpensive gas in Marystown. We pulled into our lane way around 6pm ready for dinner.

Mollie sign a Geocache log

Another fun day, this summers lighthouse project has offered so many cool mini adventures. Great Day!!!!!

Out Takes

Trailer park attached to Cobourg beach.

Breakwater Light
The Harbour
Once again folks remember we are raising Awareness & Funds for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Kingston Chapter. If you wish to make a donation/pledge please call the Kingston Chapter at 613-384-8500 . Tell them you wish to pledge to
“ 20 Years To Enlightenment “ and it all stays in the Kingston and area.



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