
Thursday, 31 May 2012

26 May, 2012 Burlington Canal Range/Oakville Old & New

 Burlington Canal Range/Oakville Old & New

Saturday morning after a wonderful and very large breakfast which Mollie’s sister Dona and her husband Fred laid on for us, I readied my gear for my days paddle trip. I am Solo today as everyone else has set chores, getting ready for the Baby Shower the next day. Fred doing a lot of yards work and the girls, well they did what girls do for a baby shower. Weather Saturday was calling for 25 C and sunny, so I decided at last minute to get both Burlington & Oakville lights in as they where calling for 19c Rain with Thunderstorms for Sunday.  Kayak and gear all loaded I said my good byes and head south to the water. As I passed the grocery shore named Mary Lou’s located on a corner leaving Dona & Fred neighbourhood. I noticed a MS Charity event sign, so I pulled in. Well I met some very nice folks, the owners Bill & Andrea Bates.

Andrea was out all day, at this door

Andrea, What a smile, Yep she is from Newfoundland.  She is a sweety.

Bill Bates greeting people at the garden center
all day.

You really have to Thank folks like Bill & Andrea for what they do.  They have raised many thousands of dollars for their local MS Chapter.

I believe they have been doing this event at their store for 10 years. 

I was not long chatting with Bill when he mentioned that he was also a kayaker. I Invited him to join us when we come back to do the Port Dalhousie Front & Rear lighthouses. Bill seem pleased and mentioned that he has paddle these lights and knows the area well. Awesome, I love meeting new and interesting people. Better yet, spending time with them on the water.

Rob with a couple of event volunteers
Great Burg's

After a couple of pictures and an excellent hamburger with some volunteers, it was time to hit the water.

This was such a sunny day, the camera could not
ajust the light or maybe it was me.  Launch at
Beachway Park

Doing the Burlington Canal lights first my plan was to launched from Lakeshore Roads, Beachway Park.  Arriving at the launch, I could not believe my good fortune, the water was like glass. Launching from the beach was fun as it is one of them beach where you can walk out a 100 ft and still be in 3 ft of water.

Burlington Front Light

Water was like glass most of the time here, just beautiful.

Don & Paula holding our flag

No Spray skirts today, just a nice light paddle to the Front Light. As I approached the light there was a nice couple sitting looking out watching. Well the next thing you know this nice couple Don & Paula are holding our MS flag for the picture. Thanks Guys. After several photos and kind good byes I head through the Burlington Canal for the Rear Light.

Canal and lift bridge

It really was a bright day, my water camera has a difficult time with the reflections I guess.

This canal is not very long but it was fun, just as I got to the lift bridge it started to lift allowing a few sailboats to pass under. 

Making to the rear lighthouse, I was just getting lined up for the best angle because this light is well back from the canal with buildings and the bridge blocking most sides.
The lighthouse is still in not bad shape, considering where it’s located. So getting line up I noticed two very cute little girls with their parents waving at me. The parents said hello and one thing lead to another and next thing you know the" Bush Family " are holding the MS flag in front of Burlington Canal Rear Lighthouse. This nice young family just moved to Hamilton and where out for the weekend exploring. Thanks folks and good luck with your move.

The Bush Family, what a nice young family.  I wish them all the best.

Photo taken so you could see the Lighthouse
with the bridge builting in front. 

After many pictures of the Rear Lighthouse and a lovily chat, I headed back to Beachway Park.  Making it back in to Beachway in record time I was sitting there eating an apple when a nice young couple “ Dan & Ashleigh “ come up asking about my kayak. One thing lead to another, they are kayakers as well and would love to join us when we do Port Dalhousie Front & Rear lighthouses later this summer. Nice meeting you folks and will we wil let you know when we coming your way, for sure.

The Old Oakville Lighthouse

The Kayak loaded I’m off to Oakville Marina where the old lighthouse is now standing. Wow, what a shock. This light is now standing right in front of the Marina’s building. I may add at this time, the Marina folks are doing a great job at keeping it in good shape. They where just finishing replacing the cedar shake siding and had not yet painted it. I got a few photo’s from the kayak in this very busy harbour.

Very busy place on a weekend.

I could not believe the number of very large sail boats in such a small harbour. 

Oakville New Light

I then paddled to the outer pier where I found the new light under repair or annual maintenance being done.

Oakville New Light
Not pretty but we did visit it all the same.

To my good fortune a fellow kayaker came out of the harbour shortly after I did.  I asked “ I believe this lovely lady said her name was Edine, if she would take my photo with the light behind.
The noise from the construction was very load so I hope I have Adine's name correct, she did say it was old Scottish.

What a pleasant person sorry for the poor photo
I did not catch your great smile. 

Thanks Adine for the great photo’s

This was taken on my way back into Oakville Harbour.  Many many large sailboats.  While in the Oakville Harbour a gentleman I was chatting with, asked if I had visited the Bronte Lighthouse. I told him, I had to admit I had not heard anything about a Bronte lighthouse. He say it was in the Bronte Harbour attached to the Boat Club Restaurant.

Light as you enter the Marina at Bronte

As this lighthouse was on my way back to Burlington I thought what the heck, what is one more right. So into Bronte Marina Park off load and paddle to this Lighthouse. 

Bronte Marina

Well I come to find out that the Bronte Lighthouse was never a lighthouse it was built onto the restaurant to give it a more maritime theme. It was pretty so I took a couple of photos just the same, been there done that…..

The last photo of the day.

It was a great day on the water.  I met some wonderful people who do wonderful things to help thier friends and neighbours.  I wish to thank all the kind people who helped me on this busy Saturday.  Returning to the In-Laws, I had stories to tell and they shared theirs.  We sat to a great dinner, good wine and excellent company, Thanks You Dona & Fred.  Now I just have to stay out of the way tomorrow when the Baby Shower is happening, mmmmmmmmmm  well maybe not, I seen all the great food they have for it, maybe us guys can return early before it's all gone.

Once again Folks remember we are raising Awareness & Funds for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Kingston Chapter. If you wish to make a donation/pledge please call the Kingston Chapter at 613-384-8500 . Tell them you wish to pledge to 20 Years To Enlightenment and it all stays in the Kingston and area.

Thanks Rob & Mollie

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Friday 26 May, 2012 Toronto Harbour Lighthouses

Friday 26 May, 2012   Toronto Harbour Lighthouses

Remember: clicking on photo's will enlarge them.

This weekend was a planned family visit to Burlington as Mollie was invited to attended our niece-in-law's baby shower. To my surprise, Mollie suggested that I bring the Kayak along and with luck the forecasted thunderstorms for Toronto held off, I could paddle Toronto Harbour lighthouses and we still could make Burlington around supper time.

Well this day was a day of First’s. It was a the first time I had driven Young St from Hwy 401 to the water front. Hummmmm I believe this will be the last. Yeppers been there, don’t have to do it again. It was the first time I was actually in Toronto Harbour, in very large waves, I might add. First time, swimming in Lake Ontario on 26 May, Yeppers brrrrrrrr     First time, to actually do a vehicle drive by lighthouse photo shoot.

Mollie and I arrived at our chosen launch location “ Cherry Beach “ in Torornto Harbour and as it turns out was an awesome spot all the way around. The Beach had a chip wagon and washrooms, plus a harbour Marine Rescue Police Station. All the things that Mollie needed to be comfortable while she waited my return. As it turned out Cherry Beach is a very well known Dog Park, Mollie was just in heaven watching the many different breeds of dogs and along with their colourful owners all playing happily on the park's beach. Ok back to Lighthouses. Cherry Beach is about 1.7 kms away from the Toronto Lighthouse which is located on Toronto’s Aquatic Parks most westerly point of land. 

Arrows show my paddle route,

Our paddle plan was for me to paddle from Cherry Beach to the Toronto Lighthouse, turn northwest and paddle the 2.7 kms to the west facing shore of Centre Island to the Gibraltar Lighthouse located inland well off the shore. This meant getting out of my kayak, walking the 200 meters to the light then getting back in my kayak and heading back to Cherry Beach the 4.1 kms.

Slight waves make launch Fun

Under heavy skies and the threat of thunderstorms later that afternoon we decided I could still get this paddle in before the real nasty weather hit. The strong winds and rising waves really had little effect on my face on launch.

Heading Outer Harbour Channel

As I paddled across Main Harbour Channel to the outer harbour, the wind and waves had increased a great deal making paddling a little trickier.

Having to look over the waves.

Wow these waves were getting large .

Watching the dive bombers,  attack

I really wasn’t noticing the heavier waves as I became fixated on the huge number of shore birds. At one point their calls truly drowned out any other sounds around me, it was amazing.   Getting any kind of decent photo of the birds was difficult with the sizeable waves doing crazy things with my kayak. All my senses were on overload, the bird cries, my eyes taking in all the cool sights and a few waves rolling over the deck of the kayak challenging my balance, what a blast.

Facebook photo

Even with all the distractions I reached the TO Lighthouse in about 25 minutes, took my photos with the waves hitting me side on.

Toronto Lighthouse
This was not a nice place to land so moved on.

Not wanting to get too close to the lighthouse because of the heavy waves that move you along so quickly I could have easily ended up on the rocks. So in the spirit of safety, wink !!!  I stayed well away hence no good close up photo of this Lighthouse, I can “ live “ with that. After taking my pictures, eating a bar and having a drink I then headed the 2.7 kms cross wind and waves to Gibraltar Point.

What a view of Toronto shore line and the CN Tower

Paddling this tack I was looking directly at the Toronto skyline, with the Toronto Tower front and center. I think to myself, had I not taken on this lighthouse adventure I would have never experience this special view of the city, just awesome.

The Gibraltar Point Beach

Making Gibraltar Point, it took me a little while to locate the lighthouse from the water. As mentioned it was well inland and all I could see was a little red spot part of the roof. My landing at Gibraltar Point was interesting as the waves were now directly behind me and rolling over the boat. I would have to move very fast once I made my mind up to leave the kayak. I needed to pull my skirt off, jump out and pull the boat ashore before the next wave filled the kayak or better yet the next wave rolling in tossing us both ashore. It was not graceful, but this old guy managed to pull the skirt, get out and the next wave did hit filling the boat. I pulling my now very heavy kayak ashore, pumped it out and readied it for the launch, knowing full well it will be a very challenging task. Gibraltar Point has very nice sandy beaches.

I was thinking about the life Ring ????

To find the lighthouse I took a path through some bushes just down from my landing point, about 40 meters in on the path I came across what looked to be an unused tent.

I don't know how I saw this lights
red roof

I continued on to a clearing and there in front of me was a small roadway and the lighthouse. What an attractive natural setting.

Made it Gibraltar Lighthouse.

Look at where the pier is, it comes in to play later.
Beautiful Beach and the Sun is not out, great day

While I was taking my photos a nice couple “ Alynn & Peter “ said Hi. I asked them if they would take my photo in front of the lighthouse, which they where happy to do. After a little walk around and a chat with Peter to explain why I was dressed in a wetsuit. I was about to say my good byes when Alynn asked which way to the beach, new friends in tow, they followed me back to the beach and my kayak.

This is when the true adventures began.   In the short time I was in visiting the lighthouse the wind had picked up a great deal. This making launching face on almost impossible.   Recruiting my new friends they held the kayak's back end trying to keep it straight into the waves. The same as getting out but in reverse I had to jump in the kayak and put on my spray skirt,  all before the next wave slammed into and over the boat and me. On the fourth attempt I managed to get off shore with my skirt on, so I thought.   I was about forty meters off shore stopped to wave good bye to my new shore crew when the back of my spray skirt flipped up and the whole skirt came off.  Worst case, the next wave filled the kayak and the next rolled me over. Swimming 26 May, brrrrrrrr.  Swimming the kayak back to shore I broke one of my biggest rules “do not get between shore and a water filled kayak in heavy waves“ . As I got to waist high water I turned to pull the kayak into shore and a wave picked it up and slammed it into my chest, knocking me under the water as the water filled kayak rolled over me.  I knew better, however lesson learnt the hard way. I’m OK …..smiling. 

Photo taken before launch attempts note pier.

Now this heavy kayak was being pushed ashore so I got up and slid it further onto dry land.  My shore crew came back to see if I was alright, they noticed I had lost my favourite ball cap. By now the thought of trying another launch from this location did not please me.

Earlier I had thought of walking the kayak about 200 meters down the shore and launch from behind a small pier, but lifting the kayak and carrying it all that way was out of the question.   Also walking it in the water with the waves so high, was also not going to happen.   Standing there watching the waves, Alynn asks, would it be better to launch from behind that pier. I said yes but the lift would kill me, she turned to Peter and said lift that side. With me at the front and the two of them on the rear we hiked the kayak along, with two breaks we make it to the pier. The waves were still straight on, but if I got in very close to the pier the waves were not as large. With Peter holding the rear of the kayak I jumped in, skirted up proper this time and with a push from Peter I was crashing into the waves. Yelling behind me thanks and saying to Peter his shoes will dry in a couple of days. Thanking them again and again. If Peter & Alynn read this, I just want to say again, many thanks, you guys are great ……..What fun life is, when some days you just jump in!!

Views along the way back to Cherry Beach

With waves at my back the last 4.1 kms flew by and I mean flew, I was surfing the waves. I paddled along Wards Island across Eastern Gap onto Cherry Beach. This part of the trip went very quick.

The day just kept getting better. 

The waves don't look very large, but what a ride.

Waves crashing kite boarder and CN Tower

Hatless arriving back at Cherry Beach

Mollie met me on landing and she first asked where my hat was? I told her have I got a story for you, at which point she began to help strip my kayak.

Picking up my GPS I noticed it was saying Max speed 17.7 km/h now that’s fast. I really was having a ball in the high waves, man what a rush!!!!!!!

Loading the kayak on the truck was made easy with help from a young para/kiter by the name of Fraser……nice young man thanks Fraser. Wow !!! and not even 4pm.

Leaving Cherry Beach we got back onto Lake Shore Blvd west heading to Queens Wharf light which is on land between Lake Shore Blvd and Fleet St. Being Friday afternoon with traffic very heavy, we kept to our plan to just take a photo while driving slowly by the Queens Wharf lighthouse. Which in my eyes has long been off the active lighthouse list. We got our photo and headed to Burlington with a weekend of adventures to come.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Wednesday 30 May, 2012 Sunken Island & Rock Island Wellesley Island New York Paddle

We will be meeting at the Park & Ride Hwy #15 & Hwy 401 at 08:30. We will head east to the Ivy Lee Bridge and over to the U.S . Where we will take Instate # 81 to Highway # 12. Now depending on which way the winds are blowing we could either start at Bonnie Bells to the east at Alex Bay or take Hwy #12 west to Fishers Landing off Hwy 180. This will be a great paddle as it is mostly sheltered by Wellesley Island to the north and New York State main land to the south and the channel is at best 700 meters across in most places. So there will be lots to see. If you wish to join us please e-mail us at let us know your coming don’t wish to leave anyone behind. Remember your Pass Ports Cheers Us

Sunday, 27 May 2012

What A Weekend, Did Six Lighthouse/Lights

Hi Folks

Mollie had a Baby shower at her sisters house in Burlington this past Sunday.  Mollie said lets take your Kayak and maybe you can visit a couple of lights along the way or while the girls are doing the shower thing.  I  said heck we are going that way anyway and gas is not getting cheaper, so loaded the boat we did.   Folks I will write a complete entry after I down load the photos and review my notes.  I will say this, we had a blast,met some wonderful people who will be paddling with us when we revisit the area.  We have to say thanks to Dona & Fred for their kindness.  Yes,  if you look at the map we did  # 6 Lights.  I know how cool.  Later cheer.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Wednesday 23 May, 2012 The Sisters Lighthouse Trip

We got an early start, Brent arrived on the button at 07:30hrs, everything loaded the day before we jumped into the little red truck and once again headed east . We enjoying our Wednesday paddle adventures together.  Our 3 member team has fallen into a confident routine, each questioning the other on what should be remembered for that days trip. No doubt there will be something forgotten when it comes time to load the boats.

Mollie taking this photo of us loading Boats

St Lawrence Islands National Park, Visitors Center loading Ramp.

Today’s planned paddle only take us to one Lighthouse, The Sisters, which is located on the south east end of Grenadier Island barely on the U.S.A. side of the border line. The weather has been calling for mainly sunny, with south easterly winds, which means we would be starting our paddle from The St Lawrence Islands National Park, Visitors Center, in stead of starting in Rockport and paddling east. We will be paddling southwest to the east end of Grenadier, paddling between it and Adelaide Island, then with light winds and waves at our backs we will travel along the south side of Grenadier to the Sisters Light.

Winds are lights.... yahoo!!!

What a beautiful day for a paddle.

Can you believe this water, so clear and the colours

Brent wearing the Tilley Hat, Yes, from the extra gear bin, that was the one things forgotten today.

Cook Island Cottage

36 minutes from launch, had us paddling past many of the small islands on the east end of Grenadier, with each stroke of our paddles, we glide past grand old cottages on islands with names like St Helena, Cook, Harrowsmith and Long Schooner, no doubt generations old.

Still heading south west we round Willoughby Island, which brings into view of the Sisters Lighthouse . There it was, modestly standing in the center of the open channel.

Channel makers to the left, Lighthouse way in the distance between the Islands
Brent check out the channel makers

How nice is this, Small waves and at our backs.

Approaching lighthouse from the east

As we approached we observe the strength and beauty of this old limestone lighthouses structure, but time and weather has taken it’s tole on this part of nautical history.

Think this will be the Calender Photo

Our Lighthouse Index Description “Three Sisters Islands are a string of three tiny islets, now linked together by concrete break walls and walkways, that run parallel to and just south of the international boundary line separating the United States and Canada. The Sisters Island Lighthouse was constructed in 1870 on the easternmost of these islets to mark a precarious spot along the channel that passed on the Canadian side of the islands“

North Side of the Lighthouse

You can see the Osprey in the nest to the right of the light in the chimney.

Brent and I sat in our kayaks and wondered what it would have been like back in 1875 sitting on this island, under the large maple tree with the breeze keeping you cool during the hot summer days. The chores could not have been many as the Island is barely 100 ft wide and 300ft long in total. Possibly a lonely life but both Canada & U.S.A. was only a good couple of hours paddle away. We came to the conclusion it would have been a much simpler, harder but good life just the same.

Ospery checking us out
Approaching the island we noticed the Osprey perched in a small tree on the west end of the island. At a closer glance we become aware of a second located in their nest which was built in the houses chimney.  As we got closer to the island they circle over head, very anxious parents they kept a watchful eye on us throughout our time at the Lighthouse. Besides the Osprey the island had a few resident geese and a concrete guard dog.

Watch Dog

Great shot of Brent north side of lighthouse
with the MS flag on dock. 

E Gavel present owners of the Sisters

After doing our flag photo’s, munchies and water break, it was time to move on. As per our paddle plan we would continue heading west along Grenadier Island for approx 8 kms. This would get us to Rockport and our pullout spot, that’s if we travelled straight there. That’s never going to happen……smiling.

Brent under Pipe Light Maker west end of
 St Lawrence Island National Park.

Wind still at our backs we paddled past and around many more islands which brought us to the most westerly part of the St Lawrence Islands National Park at the end of Grenadier Island. I took a photo of Brent passing under a modern light pipe.

One of many Totems by this property.

Now our paddle route would take us north west past Little Grenadier, Doctor and the west end of Tar Island and into Rockport. As we got to Tar we noticed this beautiful home with many totem poles along the shore line, very very nice location.

Many totems vey cool.

Rounding Tar island our radio cracks and I heard our favour shore crew, asking is that you guys coming around the island? Grabbing my radio I let Mollie know yes, it was us. Happy we where safe, she proceed to direct us into the public boat ramp next to the Rockport Restaurant & Boat Tours dock .

Crossing from Tar Island to Rockport

What a beautiful spot of the world, maybe that is why we have seen no less then 8 Island Cruises/Boats in the area.

Great landing spot,  Brent laughing at the old guy
and we will not say Why....smiling.

Rockport cruise dock nest to public boat launch.

What a great girl, a truck load for us.......Really!!

We where happy to see that she had commandeered a Beer Truck as the day was getting very hot, it's Miller Time.

Great lunch locations, as Mollie says  "it has
a washroom how bad can that be".

Kayaks up loaded we had lunch in the wonderful park located in the center of the village, nice water views from there.  Lunch completed we where off for home.

Across parking lot from lunch location, looking at
Public Launch next to Rockport Boat Tour Restaurant.

When we where eating there was 7 Tour Buses in the parking lot, very busy place.  Now we know why we seen all the tour boats during or paddle into Rockport.

The little bear went to Spain, France and Italy
with us. time to send him home to the states,
 this was a TB hotel.

Heading home Hummmm,  not before doing at least a couple of geocaches along the way. We had a few Travel Bugs needing to be relocated and sent on their way. 

Four caches done we headed for home, another awesome lighthouse, another awesome day on the water with family.   Life is good.


Paddle solo, Sleep tandem

Out Takes

Mollie trying not to laugh

This is Mollie trying not to laugh at our funny jokes........NOT WORKING!!!!

Randy Night, standing next to Brent

We met this young man who has been on the road for 16 months and is pretty much biking around the world.  He will be heading to Toronto then south to Mexico.
So you what do you think of our little adventure.........smiling.  Nice young man from New Zealand.

Osprey Nest on very small Island